Far from being harmless, we are seeing evidence that children’s consumption of pornography is affecting their development: seventeen year old boys describing body hair on girls their age as disgusting, teenage girls reporting pressure to engage in risky and uncomfortable sexual practices and teenagers’ surprisingly tolerant attitude to violence in relationships.[i] [ii]
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Following public pressure, as well as that of groups and charities including Mediawatch-UK, and an Independent Parliamentary Inquiry into Online Child Protection, the government announced a public consultation into the best way to protect children online.
However, the consultation was launched in the summer for a shorter period than usual making it likely that many parents and other interested parties would miss it. The Depart of Education website was also intimidating with the requirement for users to download, save and upload their responses.
[i] Flood, Michael. 2009. The Harms of Pornography Exposure Among Children and Young People – Child Abuse Review Vol 18: 384-400
[ii] Barter, McCarry, Berridge & Evans. 2009. Partner Exploitation and Violence in Teenage Intimate Relationships NSPCC/Bristol University
[iii] Livingstone, S. 2011 Risks and Safety on the Internet: The UK Report. LSE